CRC Credit Bureau Limited.CRC Credit Bureau Nigeria operates under a group structure comprising the credit bureau business and a subsidiary, CRC Data and Analytics Limited.
About CRC
The credit bureau duly incorporated and licensed under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was established by a consortium of Ten (10) leading financial institutions and Dun & Bradstreet with the purpose of delivering credit bureau services in Nigeria.
CRC Credit Bureau provides a nationwide information repository on credit profiles of consumers as well as corporate entities, thus improving the ability of credit providers to make informed lending decisions ranging from customer acquisition, credit analysis and monitoring, skip tracing and recovery.
The data and analytics subsidiary of CRC is poised to provide carefully designed products and services using Artificial Intelligence and Analytics. These products will enable businesses to make informed decisions and develop products for their customers based on alternative data sources.
Our Vision
To set standards for financial empowerment and informed decision making.
Our Mission
To deliver innovative products and services that enable our stakeholders make informed decisions and build credible profiles that enhance access to credit for strategic growth.
Our Objectives
To generate and supply reliable, accurate credit information and scores on borrowers in the consumer and corporate sectors of the Nigerian economy for permissible purposes only. CRC Credit Bureau Limited is a neutral third-party provider to its subscribers.

Recognitions & Awards
Best Credit Bureau Nigeria, 2022 awarded by Capital Finance International (CFI.co)
Best Credit Bureau Nigeria, 2021 awarded by Capital Finance International (CFI.co)
Best Credit Bureau Nigeria, 2020 awarded by Capital Finance International (CFI.co).
Business Excellence Awards 'Credit Bureau of the Year 2019, Nigeria' awarded by Acquisition International, United Kingdom.
Credit Bureau Provider of the Year awarded by 4th Finance Innovation Awards, Nigeria - 2018
Most Innovative & Impactful Credit Information Provider awarded by International Brand Award, Nigeria - 2017
CRC "Impact Awards" in recognition of contributions to the 2016-2017 'Ease of Doing Business Reforms' awarded by the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council ( PEBEC) - 2017
Best Loan Application Services Provider in Nigeria awarded by Capital Finance International, London, UK – 2014
Our Members & Customers
Being a member of CRC Credit Bureau Limited enables credit grantors enhance their risk management strategies by covering the entire life-cycle of their credit customers engagement ranging from pre-qualification, credit assessment, monitoring, debt collection to skip tracing.
Members of CRC Credit Bureau also submit credit information, on their customers, on the platform to share with other credit grantors. Submission of credit profiles by lenders and credit grantors, enables borrowers develop a credit history and credit scores, that ultimately leads to accessing finance for strategic growth.
Our customers cut across various industries and sectors of the Nigerian economy. Over the years, we have worked in unison to provide holistic and unbiased credit information and credit scores to all stakeholders.